Recent Shows
3/4/23 with Isaac van Fosl-Wyke
4/8/23 Surface Noise with st. anne x cello
4/15/23 KMACcouture 2023
4/23/23 Louisville Broadcast with the Louisville Orchestra and Lisa Bielawa
5/4/23 b-side at Decade with Joan Shelley, Nathan Salsburg, Cereal Glyphs
5/11/23 Mothering Me at Art Sanctuary
5/20/23 SAPAT at Foxhollow Farm
1/30/22 Kunstlieder Recital German American Club 2pm
2/6/22 Kunstlieder Recital St. John UCC Clay and Market 2pm
9/4 at Surface Noise with Okapi Duo
9/19 at the Flamingo Lounge with Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel
3rd Saturday Limbo Tiki Lounge with La Petite Musique
Every Sunday at Pints and Union with Boom pah pah starting 8/29
Every Friday at Common Haus with Boom pah pah
5/22/21 La Petite Musique at the Flea Off Market 1-3pm Fresh Start Growers Supply
6/19 La Petite Musique Limbo Tiki Bar 7:30-9:30
Solo set at Late for Dinner, Art Sanctuary 10/9/20 video here
French Lick Resort 2/7/20
Rembrandt's Madison, IN 1/25
Every 3rd Friday at Brasserie Provence- next 1/17, 6-9pm
Every other Sunday, 6-8pm with La Petite Musique at the Limbo Tiki Bar-next: 1/19
Once a month at aloft hotel next: 2/15/20
solo show with Misha Feigin, David Grubbs 12/28/19
solo show with Jonathan Glen Wood, 12/17/19
September 5 solo set with Fool's Ghost and Okapi, Kaiju
September 8 solo set with Duet for Theremin and Lap Steel, Kaiju
September 13 solo set for Mixed Feelings, Against the Grain Brewery
September 18 Boom pah pah at Gordon Biersch Brewery
September 27 5 Sonnets to Orpheus with AJ Cornell, Chapel of St. Phllip Neri
September 28 Boom pah pah , St. Lukes
October 3 solo set at Surface Noise
October 4, 5 La Petite Musique playing for Brasserie Provence's anniversary
October 5, 12, 19 12-3pm Boom pah pah, Belle of Louisville Cruises Oktoberfest
October 16 Boom pah pah at LPAS school
June 1, 2019 with Orchestra Enigmatic at Art Sanctuary
June 14, 2019 solo set opening for Emma Ruth Rundle and MONO
March 24, La Petite Musique at the Limbo Tiki Bar
March 29, 2019 with softcheque for the Auralgami Sounds Anniversary
April 11, 2019 Improv set with Extra Special, Nest Egg and Flanger Magazine at Kaiju, Louisville, KY
March 10, La Petite Musique at the Limbo Tiki Bar
March 15, 2019 La Petite Musique at Brasserie Provence
March 13, 2019 solo set at Kaiju
February 10, 2019, 2:30pm singing selections by 12th c composer Hildegard von Bingen
February 9, 2019, 6-10pm with Boom Pah Pah at the German-American Club
December 29, 2018 with Phantom Family Halo Record Release, Zanzabar
December 1 with Boom Pah Pah at the German-American Club, 6-10pmLouisville, KY
November 30 with La Petite Musique at Brasserie Provence
November 19 and 20, 2018, La Petite Musique at LPAS
November 16, 2018 La Petite Musique at Louisville Stoneware
November 12, 2018 with Aaron Rosenblum at Kaiju
June 23 with the Rascals of Ragtyme at the German-American Club, 6-10pmLouisville, KY
July 29 solo set at the Butchertown Social for the Sunday Series No. 4 by auralgamiSOUNDS and Obsolete Staircases
September 22 double French/German set for the IMAGINE 2020 grant at the South Central Regional Branch 2-4pm
March 29, 2018 at Kaiju with Andrea-Jane Cornell, Louisville, KY
February 9, 2018 7-9pm with Mike O'Bryan and Christ Tolbert at Copper & Kings, Louisville, KY
February 16, 2018 8pm solo set at Speed Museum, Louisville, KY
September 29 2017 5-7pm French Lounge, Lucky's, Louisville, KY
October 7,14,21 2017 12pm-3pm cruise Boom pah pah, Belle of Louisville, Oktoberfest, Louisville, KY
August 25 2017 Glass Girls 10p-1a Jimmy Can't Dance, Louisville, KY
September 3 2017 solo set for Sara Louise Soltau's Tape Release
TBD, Louisville, KY
September 23 2017 Boom pah pah , TBD, Cincinnati, OH
June 7 2017 solo set at the Green Room, Louisville, KY
June 8 2017 solo set opening for Alan Licht, Dreamland, Louisville, KY
June 21 2017 solo at Louisville Women's Club, KY
May 27 2017 SAPAT for Sophomore Lounge "Expensive Decade" Anniversary
Kaiju, Louisville, KY
May 12 2017 6pm French Lounge for the Alliance Francaise, Brasserie Provence, Lou, KY
Apr 21 2017 with Jecorey "1200" Arthur as part of the Festival of Faiths
Compassion Jam, Bomhard Theatre, Kentucky Center, Louisville
Mar 10 2017 Dane Waters with Wood/Argabright and Throbbing Chakra
The Green Room, Louisville, KY
Feb 17 2017 softcheque for Auralgami Sounds Anniversary
Kaiju, Louisville, KY
Jan 15 2017 SAPAT
Dreamland, Louisville, KY
Jan 22 2017 French Lounge
Kaden Tower, Louisville, KY
Dec 3 SAPAT w Frank Hurricane and Pet Eunuch
The Green Room, Fresh Start, Louisville, KY
Dec 17 Glass Girls
Lola's at Butchertown Grocery, Louisville, KY
Oct 31 Ghostripper at Boolu #5
Decca Restaurant, Louisville, KY
October 8 -7pm sharp
Kyle Coma-Thompson's Book Release
Night of the Sun with softcheque
Louis's "The Ton", Louisville, KY
October 1, 8,15,22 Oktoberfest
Belle of Louisville, KY
October 20 solo w Cher Von and Camera Lucida
OPEN Gallery, Louisville , KY
October 28 Glass Girls
Butchertown Grocery, Louisville, KY
September 10 Glass Girls
Butchertown Grocery, Louisville, KY
September 30 w Jonathan Glen Wood Ensemble
Dreamland, Louisville, KY
September 24
solo @ St. John UCC
Nulufest, Louisville , KY
August 20 Radiate the Finite record release
w AJ Cornell and Julia Purcell
Dreamland, Louisville, KY
August 13 solo
w Danny Kiely, Meg Samples, Kendall Carter,
Joey Thieman
Butchertown Grocery, Louisville, KY
August 5
showing of Movement in Music II
collaboration with Ashley Thursby-Kern of the Louisville Ballet
Dreamland, Louisville, KY
July 23 solo w Danny Kiely, Meg Samples, Kendall Carter,
Joey Thieman
Butchertown Grocery, Louisville, KY
July 16 with the Rascals of Ragtyme
German-American Club, Louisville, KY
July 14 Ghostripper with Ancient Warfare and Seluah
The New Vintage, Louisville , KY
July 3 solo set with Timbre (Nashville)
Dreamland, Louisville , KY
July 2 softcheque record release show
"Sand in Your Mind"
Haymarket, Louisville, KY
May 15 Marsha Roberts Williams Organ Recital + Evensong
St. Thomas Episcopal, Louisville, KY
April 30 softcheque with TFCF and Asm-A-Tik
The Cure Lounge, Louisville, KY
April 5 Ghostripper with Teal Grapefruit
Zanabar, Louisville, KY
March 18 solo set
w Jonathan Glen Wood
Kaiju, Louisille, KY
March 23 softcheque
with Yonatan Gat and Jaye Jayle
Kaiju, Louisville, KY
February 12 Ghostripper
w Andrew Rinehart and Cat Casual and the Holy Midnight
Kaiju, Louisville, KY
February 6, 2016
softcheque for Auralgami Sounds
One Year Anniversary Showcase
Dreamland, Louisville, KY
December 30, 2015
performing with Dreamland Improvisation Ensemble and David Grubbs
Dreamland, Louisville, Kentucky
December 5
performing as Ghostripper
The Cure, Louisville, Kentucky
November 20
solo with Jonathan Glen Wood and M. Hellmich
Louisville Community Acupuncture Louisville, Kentucky
October 10, 17, 24
performing German songs with the Rascals of Ragtyme
Belle of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
October 23
performing solo with Ghostripper and Horseless
Dreamland, Louisville, Kentucky
September 18
French Lounge
Decca, Louisville, Kentucky
September 26
performing solo set St. John UCC Sanctuary
Nulufest, Louisville, Kentucky
October 2
performing with Tasuya Nakatani
Dreamland, Louisville, Kentucky
October 3
performing with SAPAT for the Reloaded Plastic Inevitable
Art Sanctuary, Louisville, Kentucky
October 10, 17, 24
performing German songs with the Rascals of Ragtyme for Oktoberfest Cruise
Belle of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
October 11
performing with softcheque for the Louisville Outskirts Festival
Art Sanctuary, Louisville, Kentucky
August 28
Throat Pan at OPEN Gallery
Louisville, Kentucky
August 23
softcheque with shutaro noguchi
The New Vintage, Louisville, Kentucky
July 31
Solo show at SONICBernheim
Bernheim Forest, Clermont, Kentucky
July 12
performing with Cher Von at Poorcastle
Apocalypse Brewing Co, Louisville, Kentucky
July 18
performing with SAPAT and Folklords
Dreamland, Louisville, Kentucky
June 28
Solo show for Southern Girls' Convention
Tim Faulkner Gallery
Louisville, Kentucky
July 7
performing with Throat Pan (Cher Von, Amber Estes Thieneman
Tyler Dippold and Jonathan Glen Wood in straight up vocal group!)
Zanzabar, Louisville, Kentucky
June 9
Solo show with C.J. Boyd and Cher Von
Open Gallery, Louisville, Kentucky
June 12
Solo show with Analog Cannibal
Cure Lounge, Louisville, Kentucky
June 19
German Polka and Cabaret
Bardstown, Kentucky
May 29
SAPAT Show with State Champion
The New Vintage, Louisville, Kentucky
May 24, 2015
Concert with Organist Rob Williamson
performing sacred works
Church of the Good Shepherd, Lexington, Kentucky
May 17, 2015
performing with Orchestra Enigmatic
The Women's Club of Louisville Auditorium, Louisville, Kentucky
May 2, 2015
Improv with Dream Eye Color Wheel
Kaiju, Louisville, Kentucky
April 25, 2015
Vocal Stylings for Ashley Thursby Kern's Movement in Movies project for the Speed Museum
Workhouse Ballroom, Louisville, Kentucky
Upcoming Shows